Lebensphilosophie (was: Summary of Jargon...): POSTSCRIPT

Ralph Dumain rdumain at igc.org
Sat, 10 May 2003 11:07:38 -0400

I wonder how Marcuse differs from Horkheimer and Adorno in these 
matters.  I recall some quotations wherein Marcuse makes some bizarre 
statements about logic and science that go way beyond H & A.  Also, Marcuse 
positiviely engaged Heidegger.  I have his early book on Heidegger but 
couldn't bring myself to read it.  Maybe someone could fill in the gaps here.

At 10:24 AM 5/10/2003 -0400, Ralph Dumain wrote:
>(2) Strangeness of F.S. materialism: it seems that Horkheimer and Adorno 
>and several others went down the "Continental" philosophy road: i.e. they 
>absorbed the heritage of German idealism and then rebelled against it by 
>way of Marxism and materialism.  But ontologically, it's not the sort of 
>materialism positively constructed, as say dialectical materialism, 
>Sellars' critical realism, or other variants of ontological 
>materialism.    Positive materialism is also very much engaged with the 
>sciences or the philosophical issues arising therefrom.  You will notice H 
>& A dancing around these issues: they try to be pro-science but are 
>uncomfortable venturing into this area; rather, they focus on a critique 
>of positivism.  I've been suggesting all along that this is a very 
>important nuance that we must be very conscious of now, especially with a 
>view to overcoming the artificial academic divisions of knowledge, which 
>also express themselves in the bogus categories of "western" and 
>"orthodox" Marxism.