[Stellar-discuss] n processors

Piet Hut piet at ias.edu
Sun Dec 18 19:47:27 GMT 2005

> > Ross, you mentioned that you had already started to write a stellar
> > evolution toy model module, swappable with the current version of
> > Peter Eggleton's stellar evolution code that you have coupled to your
> > version of Sverre Aarseth's code.  When you are ready with that,
> > perhaps you can put a copy of it on the stellar-discuss web site?
> Of course, yes, although I'm now back at my parents' house for Christmas in
> the wastelands of Northern England where internet access is slightly thin on
> the ground, so that may be early in the new year...

Of course!  Getting some quiet time, for a chance, is about the most important
thing in this hectic and rather craxy society we find ourselves in.

Since you mentioned your intent to do this, would you mind sending a brief
note to stellar-discuss announcing that you plan to do this early next year,
so people know roughly what to expect?  It also would have the advantage
of letting the newcomers know that the list is actually alive and working.

> > At some point, we may want to open a Wiki or set up an CVS or svn
> > repository or something like that to make it easy to share code.
> > But perhaps to get started, we could just send code to Ross, to
> > put up on the web.
> That's straightforward for me (when I'm in Cambridge at least!), as would be
> setting up a wiki.

Could you mention this too in your email to the list?  Who knows, it may
give people inspiration to do some recreative code hacking over the
holidays, in peace and quiet ;>)

Thanks a lot!


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