Reception/Influence of Habermas's C.T

matthew piscioneri mpiscioneri at
Sun, 18 May 2003 05:40:07 +0000


Another request:

other than early Honneth, perhaps Wellmer also, Bohman, early Benhabib...who 
else could be pointed to as directly influenced by Habermas's reconstructed 
Critical Theory (i.e. his linguistic turn)?

In general JH's version of C.T-as-critical communication theoretic has been 
*negatively* received in circles sympathetic to Critical Theory's approach. 
Would List members agree? Stefan Breuer writes of C.T's *de-potentiation* 
with JH's linguistic turn, Agnes Heller writes of Habermas's critical theory 
being without a flesh and blood audience/target group etc. I can point to 
plenty of dissenters. Looking for evidence of a positive reception within 
C.T circles of JH's work.



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